18 weeks

The Hogie Bun at 18 weeks 

Baby's growth: about the length of a bell pepper, weighs about 7 oz.

Total weight gain: Not 100% sure.  I feel like I've gained at least 10 lbs because I am starting to feel "fuller"

Movement: It is still a little hard to distinguish the baby's movements from digestion, but about a day ago, I thought I might have felt the baby move. Very tiny flutter nothing major, but I suppose as the baby grows, I will be able to for sure know if it's the baby.

Discomfort: my lower back has been hurting me a bit, and so has my upper back.  I blame the growing belly and the growing upper front extremities, if you know what I mean.

Skin Changes: none

Bellybutton: looks flatter and stretched out

  • Cute/FYI Note: We always do the sign of cross to each other in Spanish before we leave the house as we say "Que Dios Te Bendiga" (Translation: "May God Bless You").  My Grandpa & Grandma would always say that to us when we left their house or said Good Bye, so I taught that to Dan and so now it's just something we do.  So now that we have a little Irish Burrito in the Hogie Bun, he also does the cross to the Hogie Bun, and finishes at the belly button.  Well today, he had a hard time finding it because it is flatter than before.  It was cute! 
Gender Prediction: the mixture of feelings continues.  I did however, tried yet another silly gender predictor web thingy.  This one asked you questions such as, whether you were carrying high/low, if you partner was also gaining weight with you, if you were having to use your razor more than usual, if you were getting acne, etc...  Based on my responses, it predicted that we were having a BOY!  So back to 50/50 my friends!  November 19th, if baby cooperates the suspense of the brewing Irish Burrito will be revealed!

1 comment:

  1. Queridos Daniel y Gabriela,
    Nos hace muy felices verlos tan contentos y compartiendo su felicidad con nosotros.
    Pido por ustedes TODOS los días en la Santa Misa, ya sabes, tu tía , la de la vela perpetua. jaja.
    Tus tíos Joaquín y Gabriela
