16 weeks

Thank you very much for all of the feedback and advice that I have received about this blog, I really appreciate it.  I know some of you have asked me to write something every day.  Let's face it, that is going to be tough to do.  Not because it's hard, but it's just time consuming, and we all know that we would love a few extra hours a day just to get everything we have on our TO DO list taken care of, but there are only 24hrs.  Therefore, I will try to update the blog 2 times a week to start with and see if I start getting in the "groove" of making it a habit (no promises).

The Hogie Bun at 16 weeks

Baby's growth: about the size of an avocado - measures 4 1/2 inches long & weights about 3 1/2 oz.

Total weight gain: 5. 7 lbs

Movement: none

Food Cravings: nothing specific.  If you know me, I LOVE CHEESE, so quesadillas with pepper jack cheese is something I can eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  For those in the USA, I know quesadillas are served more elaborate with chicken, steak etc... but in Mexico, a quesadilla is a simple corn or flour tortilla (I recommend corn) with cheese and that's it!

Discomfort: some round ligament stretching here and there

Skin Changes: none

Bellybutton: I think it looks a little wider and sort of stretched out to the sides, but again, this could just be me over analyzing my bellybutton and trying to see if anything has changed lately

Gender Prediction: I still lean more towards a boy than a girl, in part because I am having a hard time picturing a girl.

BUT let's face it every pregnant woman has a big curiosity as to what gender the baby will be.  YES, I AM ONE OF THEM! So, I have tried the following gender predictors thus far:

  • Chinese Calendar with both, the day of delivery and conception date, and they both come out as our baby being a girl.

  • Wedding Ring : This is an odd one, because I feel like it switches all the time from girl to boy. I've done this one tons of times!!! FYI.  However, my mom tried it this past weekend and when she did it, it was going in full motion, wide circles = girl, but when Dan did it, it was going full motion, side to side = boy.  When I do it on myself I feel like it switches from one to the other, starting with boy then to girl and vice versa.  Needless to say, it's fun to keep guessing but we all know it's just a wives tale.

  • Drano : pending

New this week: 
  • This past weekend I ended up getting a full blown cold.  We are talking full congestion, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, etc...  I felt like it came out of nowhere, Friday I was feeling great with lots of energy, around 7:30PM I started to feel stuffy and had an itchy throat, by dinner I was just feeling blah and congested and after that the weekend was pretty much taken over by this cold.  I would say it's a bit uncomfortable to not be able to take any medicine or supplement drops for my sore throat, but I managed.
  • I took a trip down memory lane and thought of the things that my mom used to give/make me when I was sick (home remedy stuff).  
  1. Homemade chicken broth soup with fresh cooked chicken & cubed potatoes, lime and fresh cilantro to top it off!  ONE OF THE BEST!
  2. In addition to, a homemade limonada (lemonade made with limes: limeade) which I then heated up and drank it little by little which assisted with some of the congestion and sore throat! 

Overall, I've been feeling much better!  Work has been pretty understanding, but then again, my work hasn't been affected by my pregnancy.  My main coworkers have been pretty supportive and ask me how I am feeling, which makes me feel appreciated.  My other coworkers which I see in the lunch room everyday, but don't necessarily talk to as much (mostly because I don't work with them directly) are probably just thinking I am getting fat!

In fact, yesterday I saw two coworkers which I normally see and talk to at least once a day while they get their coffee.  As I was talking in the break room about pregnancy with another of my coworkers, one of them turned around and said "Wait, you are pregnant?!!??".  This makes me wonder how many of my other coworkers probably do think that I am just getting FAT!  Mind you that these two girls are super "earthy" if you know what I mean, so now that they both know, I feel like I am being judged on what I eat and drink every time they see me in the break room.

Happy Thirsty Thursday Everyone!
There is one thing I miss.... a nice cold beer while watching football!

1 comment:

  1. Love the update... but ummm where is the belly picture? :-)
