17 weeks

Irish Burrito at 17 weeks

Baby's growth: size of an onion

Total weight gain: Not 100% sure probably a total of 5 -to 8 lbs

Movement: none I think.  It's hard to determine if my stomach is digesting or if it's actually the baby

Food Cravings: none.  The Halloween candy looks very appealing, so I eat it, but if I didn't see, I will probably not crave it.  I still crave more salty/sour foods than anything else.

Discomfort: stretching

Skin Changes: none

Bellybutton: looks a little bit more stretched out

Gender Prediction: it's a mixture of feelings, I still think it's a boy, our friends are 50/50, and Dan has yet to let me know what he thinks the baby will be, all he says is he wants it to be healthy :) we all do of course!

New this week: 
  • Our hunt for a versatile furniture piece continues...
  • We have decided to know the gender of the baby come November 19th, if the baby cooperates
  • Starting to research cribs and car seats.  If any of you have suggestions, those are always welcome


  1. Graco is a really good brand when it comes to car seats. Also take the seat to the Fire Department about a month before the baby comes. They will walk you though how to install the seat and keep it safe!

  2. Gaby-

    I asked my sister-in-laws and cousins for feedback on car seats and cribs since they have little ones. I'll let you know what they recommend. :)

