23 weeks

The Hogie Bun at 23 weeks

Total Weight Gain: A whopping total of 20 pounds!  The Hogie Bun measured at 22 centimeters as of Monday.

I am not sure if I mentioned this in a previous post, but the past few weeks I have been extremely thirsty which can be a sign of gestational diabetes.  Considering that I have diabetes on my paternal side of the family, they recommended I take this test early in order to make adjustments ahead of time if need be.

My blood glucose levels came back normal, so that was a relief.  They will however have me retake it at 28 weeks which is when most people get tested just to make sure.

Baby's Update: About the size of a large mango, probably weighing 1 lb ++.  Heart beat as of Monday afternoon 142 bpm.

Movement: The movements continue.  There are times when I don't feel the baby move often during the day which sometimes concerns me and keeps me thinking, but then there are those times, when he is just having a dancing party in there and is wondering why we are not joining him!  
I asked the doctor if this was normal, and her response was that until the 27~28 week is when she will ask to start keeping track of the baby's movements, etc... but for now, it's OK if I am not constantly feeling the baby move all the time. Good to know!  

Discomfort: Not enough to complain about it, but lately my coccyx has experienced some discomfort but apparently it's all part of the package.

Bellybutton: same as last week

Looking Forward to: Registering in the near future and working on some craft decorations for the baby shower during my time off this holiday season.  Right now we are focusing on researching and figuring out which products are the ones that we feel are best for our baby.

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