26 weeks

The Hogie Bun at 26 weeks

Total Weight Gain: Since August 21st I've gained a total of 23 pounds. Since my last visit two weeks ago, I gained a total of 4 pounds.  I think walking with Tako (mom's dog) has helped me with all of holiday treats I've been tempted to eat.

Baby's Update: His heartbeat is about 147 bmp.  Measurement of the hogie bun is at 26cm, so it's right on with how far along I am.  At first i didn't think my hogie bun had grown but apparently it has by 2cm. 

Movement: Yes, he moves quite a bit.  At times I don't feel him as much, but when he wants to move, he makes sure I notice!

Discomfort: My main discomfort is the lack of quality sleep that I have been experiencing these last two weeks.  My hips feel very sore when I go to bed.  I've tried pretty much every position available including pillows etc...  I've been sleeping in a sitting position which has helped relief some of my hips discomfort but then my lower lumbar/spine or something along that area starts to bother me.  It's a lose lose situation and part of the package, so I'm told.  

My next experiment is to stretch before going to bed.  Sounds easy, but then once it's time for it, I either make an excuse or I forget to do it!  Hopefully, I start making it a habit.

My other discomforts include heel and knee "pain" more like uncomfortableness every now and then.  If I go for a walk or I am on my feet for like 45 min.  things just start to feel heavy and quite uncomfortable.  I haven't experienced any swollen hands, feet, etc... so I am thinking it's just the amount of weight on them.  We'll see how things progress.

Bellybutton: still not popping out, but I think within the next couple of weeks it might begin to pop!

Looking Forward to: Relaxing and enjoying my time off from work!

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